Comments & Suggestions
Comments & Suggestions
If you like to give feedback or suggestions about the Practice please direct these comments directly to the Practice Manager by emailing on or by writing to them at
London Harley Street Practice
66 Harley Street
We aim to deliver the highest level of care and service to our patients at all times. However, if you have any feedback, we welcome your suggestions and complaints.
You can hand in your complaint to the receptionist for the attention of the clinic administrator. Speak to our Practice Manager or his/her deputy.
Write to us with your complaint, which can either be emailed on or by writing to them at
London Harley Street Practice
66 Harley Street
We follow the CQC guidance on complaint handling and therefore endeavour to acknowledge your complaint as quickly as possible and will liaise with you as to how you would like us to deal with your complaint and the subsequent response following our initial investigation.
If you are not satisfied with our response following a complaint, you have the right to take your complaint to the Ombudsman.