Occupational Health
Occupational Health Assessments and Screening
Employers need to be confident that sickness absence is managed in line with current legislation. An early opinion can often reduce total absence and result in a quicker return to full employment.
Most employers would agree that people are your most valuable asset. Considering the health of people at work is one of the most constructive contributions you can make to protecting this investment.
Most of the diseases which lead to severe disability or premature death can be prevented if discovered in their early stages. For example, the serious consequences of heart disease, strokes, diabetes, asthma, liver disease and cancers can be ameliorated by early detection and treatment.
Likewise, the progression of poor mental health (depression, anxiety), hernias, lower back pains, repetitive strain injuries and arthritis have the potential to develop into major problems.
Medical screening will make a genuine contribution to the health of your organisation. Can you afford not to make such an investment?
We offer the following occupational health services:
Telephone Assessment and Reporting within 2 days of Fitness to Work, Adjustments recommendations, Disability Act Advice. (£420 - Most Popular)
Pre-employment Screening
Executive Health Screening
Occupational Hygiene
Long-Term Sickness Assessments (Telephone/Clinic)
Advice and Assessment for Work-Related Problems
HAVS Tier 4 Assessments
Fork Lift Truck Driver Medicals
Ill Health Retirement Medicals