South Africa

South Africa


Results in 1 - 2 days

South Africa • £195 • Results in 1 - 2 days •

South Africa Visa Medical

When travelling to South Africa, certain visa types require a visa medical examination. This medical ensures that travellers are healthy enough to enter the country and do not carry communicable diseases, such as tuberculosis. South Africa’s visa medical typically involves a straightforward process, including a physical examination, urine tests and a chest X-ray to check for TB.

Travelling Information

South Africa is a diverse country with a range of climates, from temperate to tropical. Malaria is a risk in certain areas, so travellers should take preventive measures. English is one of the official languages, and healthcare is generally good in urban areas, but travel insurance is highly recommended.

The most iconic place to visit is Table Mountain in Cape Town, offering stunning views of the city and ocean. Another must-see is Kruger National Park, one of Africa’s largest game reserves.

Tests Included

  • Physical examination

  • Urinalysis

  • Chest x-ray to exclude TB infection

How to book your appointment

Step One

Choose “Medical for Visa” by first clicking on the box “30 minutes GP Consultation” and then scrolling through the options until you get to “Medical for Visa”

Step Two

Select a date and time that works for you. If your Visa medical requires a chest x-ray, please do not book an appointment after 3.30pm. 

Step Three

Fill in the form below with your full details. A standard deposit for a Visa Medical is set at £170. 

When you are at the clinic you will be expected to pay the remaining amount depending on which Visa Medical you undergo. 

By giving us a call or booking online you are able to see an experienced doctor at your convenience without having to join any queues found at other walk-in clinics.